161 to 170

No. 161
The Head Priest said, “You will find that it is when you lack the nembutsu that your life does not run smoothly.”

人がギクシャクするのは、やはり念佛が欠けている時。    (住職の言)
No. 162
The Head Priest said, ” ‘Creativity through the Buddha-dharma’ comes about not just through our listening but through our actions.”

「建立佛法とは、ただ聞くだけでなく、はたらきある佛法です」    (住職の言)
No. 163
The Head Priest said, “When we finish building something we think of ourselves as being richer. In reality, however, the maintenance costs are huge and the whole construction begins to depreciate in value. A place that is empty but in which we can somehow manage to create one thing after another — such a place is invaluable.”

「物を建てると豊かになったように思うが、物は建った瞬間から出費がかさんで、価値が下がっていく。物が何もないところに、何かが限りなく生み出されていく場こそ、価値がある」    (住職の言)
No. 164
The Head Priest said, “A taya house is not just a building in the precincts of a temple. It has profound significance just because people live in it and listen to the Buddha-dharma.”

「多屋は単に境内の建物でなく、そこに人が住み、聞法しているからこそ、意味が深い」    (住職の言)
No. 165
The Head Priest said, “Although Japan is one of the civilized and developed countries of the world, the Buddha-dharma that has lain at the root of its civilization is beginning to lose its original spirituality. There has to be a religious restoration or civilization will die out.”

日本は文明先進国の一つであるのに、その文明の根っ子にある佛法が本来の精神を失いかけている。宗教が本来性を回復しないと、文明も甦らない。 (住職の言)
No. 166
The Head Priest said, “Even if your life is very busy, it is of utmost importance that you wish at least to do things for others also. That way you will come to understand that everything is meant to help you get to know yourself and your life will become thereby immeasurably enriched.”

No. 167
Mr Kaname Nishitake, a teacher who takes care of children at the temple school, said, “In my own wish to be independent I found I was cutting myself off from others. I would like now to listen to the children and their parents more attentively.”

「自立しようと思って、孤立する方向へ向かっていた。子ども、父兄にもっと聞いていきたい」  (寺子屋で小学生の世話をする、西竹要先生の言)
No. 168
The Head Priest said, “Whenever we listen to the Buddha-dharma, we should be seeking to solve some problem and at the same time be aware of what is motivating us.”

佛法を聞くときは、自身の「課題」がなければいけません。また、その「動機」が明らかにならねばなりません。    (住職の言)
No. 169
The Head Priest said, “A person whose ultimate concern is to resolve the problem of their relationship with their parents is someone with both feet on the ground.”

自分が親とどう関わってきたかが「課題」となる人は、歩みが地についた人。 (住職の言)
No. 170
The Head Priest said at a meeting for young ladies, “In truth the reality of our existence includes suffering.”

本来、生きることは「苦しみがともなっているもの」です。 (若婦人会での住職の言)