171 to 180

No. 171
Mrs Hisa Miyazaki said, “What I have learnt is the certainty that a respectful mind leads to true faith.”

恭敬の心は、必ず真実信心に。    (同行・宮崎壽姉の所聞)
No. 172
The Head Priest said at a meeting for young ladies, “If you want to enjoy a life-long relationship with your children, you should sympathize with and care for those around you also. If your only concern is with yourself and your children, you will experience nothing but temporal self-satisfaction.”

一生かけた親子の関係をつくり上げるには、「人のこと、周りのことでもっと悩み苦しむこと」です。自分のことと、わが子のことばかり考えている人は、結局は一時的な自己満足の世界しか知り得ません。    (若婦人会での住職の言)
No. 173
The Head Priest said at a meeting for young ladies, “The thought that however insignificant it is at least I can do this little favor for others leads one to the world of mutual respect.”

「せめて」という心が、拝む世界に通じています。    (若婦人会での住職の言)
No. 174
The Head Priest said at a meeting for young ladies, “When you become aware of the voice of one who really thinks of you, it is the Buddha talking.”

自分自身のことを真剣に思ってくれる人の言葉が聞こえたとき、それは佛の声です。    (若婦人会での住職の言)
No. 175
The Head Priest said at a meeting for young ladies, “Although we talk about ‘Other Power of the Original Prayer,’ this is not mere dependence on the Buddha. It means that at the one-thought moment when we entrust ourselves to the Buddha, we become aware of our whole existence as being the working of the Buddha. The opposite is ‘mere dependence’ and ‘lack of responsibility’.”

他力本願といいますが、これは佛さま任せではありません。「たのむ一念」において、自分の全てを、佛さまの用きとして知らせて頂くことです。その逆は、「依存」であり、「無責任」です。    (若婦人会での住職の言)
No. 176
The Head Priest said at a meeting for young ladies, “Mere dependence leads to a lack of responsibility, jealousy and an inferiority complex. If you have an inferiority complex, you will start calculating and plotting quite unnecessarily and cause harm to others. Without responsibility, there can never be true encounter.

たより心は無責任、自己防衛となり、嫉妬となり、ひがみになります。ひがむと余計な計らい心が動き出して人と共謀し、人を破壊に陥れます。人ごとにしているところからは、絶対に出会いは生まれてきません。    (若婦人会での住職の言)
No. 177
The Head Priest said at a meeting for young ladies, “When we become serious about matters we had originally considered were the concern of others, we become aware that these matters are actually our responsibility. This is the closest evidence we have of the awakening of faith.”

人のことだと思っていたことが、一生懸命になってみたら、自分のことだった…と気づく。そこに身近な信仰の証があります。    (若婦人会での住職の言)
No. 178
The Head Priest said, “The Buddha-dharma is ‘action (or practice).’ Learn it with your whole body, not just through memorizing it or through intellectual understanding.”

佛法は「行」です。記憶、理解ではなくて、身体で覚えていくことを心掛けてください。    (住職の言)


No. 179
The Head Priest observed, “When we become aware of what has been done for us, we accept it with gratitude. It is awareness that leads us to respond with gratitude to the Buddha.”

「ごおん」に気づくことを感恩という。感恩はそのまま報恩行となっている。  (住職の言)
No. 180
The Head Priest said at a meeting for young ladies, “It is clear these days that people more and more tend to choose what is convenient and rely on the good will of others. If you continue to behave in this way, your children will respond to you unsympathetically in the future.”

現代は、便利な方へ便利な方へと意識が働き、「人任せ風潮」が目に付きます。それでは近い未来子供から反動が来ますよ。    (若婦人会での住職の言)