191 to 200

No. 191
The Head Priest said, “Nembutsu is something that we cannot find by ourselves.”

自分一人では見出すことが出来ないのが、念佛である。    (住職の言)
No. 192
The Head Priest said, “Led by ‘light’, ordinary beings live their [karmic] lives that Amida Buddha vowed to save.”

凡夫は「光明」に導かれて弥陀の「誓い」の生を生きる。    (住職の言)
No. 193
The Head Priest said, “It is when things of life become serious that the reality of our existence is made clear.”

「命」を切実に感じてこそ、我が存在が明らかになる。    (住職の言)
No. 194
Mr Yoichi Uchida, who lives in Seiwa Taya, said, “When I underwent an introspection session I felt that hitherto I’d merely been attempting to patch up my life. Now, however, being in a taya house I feel I can live my life seamlessly.”

聴聞して、今までの自分の人生は、繕ってばかりのものだったと実感した。しかし、今は多屋に止住して限りない「いのち」を感じている。    (清和多屋止住の内田陽一氏の言)
No. 195
The Head Priest said, “If even the deepest recesses of your mind become full of light, that is proof of your continuous listening to the Buddha-dharma.”

心底が明るくなることが、佛法を聞いている証。    (住職の言)
No. 196
The Head Priest said, “If there is no true encounter between parents and children, there will be no proper relationship or reciprocal education between them. To put it succinctly, not only parents but children too will be free to ‘go-as-they-please’.”

親子の出会いを実行もしないで、親子ということもなく、「教育」もない。要するに親も「放任」、子も「放任」。    (住職の言)
No. 197
The Head Priest said, “Those who are not indolent come to know the ‘light’ and accomplish many things. This eventually leads them ‘to help others’.”

放逸ならざるものが「光」を知り、物事を成就する。それが、やがて「人を助けていく」ことになる。    (住職の言)
No. 198
The Head Priest said, “It is important to listen to the Buddha-dharma and to keep listening and immerse yourself in it as if you were a bamboo basket sunk in water. [What is important is] continuous repetition and diligent effort. This is the reality of faith that emerges from having a respectful mind.”

水の中にザルをつける思いで「聞く」ということ。たえざる繰り返しと、心掛け。恭敬心から生まれる信心の「スガタ」である。    (住職の言)
No. 199
The Head Priest said, “The Buddha appears in the form of the nembutsu (pronouncing of the Name of Amida Buddha), gassho (holding palms together in homage) and raihai (bowing in worship).”

佛様の御すがたは、お念佛、合掌、礼拝となって下さる。    (住職の言)
No. 200
The Head Priest said, “The innermost core of Shinran Shonin’s spirituality came simply from his encounter with a good teacher.”

親鸞聖人のお心底は、よき人の仰せを蒙ることに尽きています。    (住職の言)