511 to 520

No. 511
“Once we recognize our faults, it is important we have the honesty to admit straight away that it is we who were ‘in the wrong’.” Senior priest at the temple.

自分の間違いに気づいたら、「間違って居りました」と、先ず素直に認める事です。  (寺内の老僧分の言)
No. 512
“Although I have been referring to this or that as Love and Compassion, I see now that absolutely everything is itself embraced within Love and Compassion. Indeed I find my own self gasping for breath within Love and Compassion.” Dharma friend aged ninety-six.

これまで、あれや、これやをお慈悲といってきましたが、全部がお慈悲でありました。お慈悲の真っ直中でアップアップしている我が身です。    (九十六歳のH翁曰く)
No. 513
“I see now that the phrase ‘using skilful means in various ways’, to be found in one of the wasan (hymns) by Shinran Shonin, is a reference to the deep compassion in which I find myself bathed as a result of the Buddha’ parental love, poured out for me in so many different ways. ” Young woman.

御和讃の『種々に善巧方便し』とは、自分の考えの及ばない親心のさまざまなお手だてでもって、佛樣の心を頂戴しているという深い深いお慈悲のことでした。    (若婦人の言)
No. 514
“I am the only mother these children have. Awakened to this fact, I came to bow respectfully mindful of all that has been done for me by my own parents and by those around me. I have also now found myself able to speak to my mother-in-law unreservedly as if she were my own mother.” Mother of two.

この世で、この子ども達の母親は私だけ。こう気づいた時、今まで育ててくれた両親はじめ、すべての人たちのごおんに頭が下がった。そしてお姑(おかあ)さんが生みの母と思え、何でも話せるようになった。    (ある二児の母親の言)
No. 515
“I was moved to see that all the Olympic medalists, after talking about their personal euphoria, went on to express very simply their feelings of whole hearted gratitude to their teachers and supporters.” Taya resident.

オリンピックでメダルを取った選手のすべては、自分の喜びの次には、必ず監督(恩師)・両親、そしてチームメイトをはじめ応援した人たちへの感謝のことばばかり……。    (ある多屋止住者の言)
No. 516
“In our Samgha, rather than passively accepting everything on offer, we work interdependently or as it were organically, each of us enjoying what we receive from others. In this Samgha quite simply we become highly aware of ‘how much we have been given by others’. Senior priest.

あらゆるものを受容というより、受用して有機的に活動してゆく僧伽、そこにあるのは、ただ「ご恩」の世界である。    (ある老僧分の言)
No. 517
“Neither high in the sky, nor in the midst of the ocean, nor even if one penetrates deep into the mountains, is there any known place in the whole wide world where one can finally be free of an evil deed (karma).” From Dhamma-pada.

「大空の中にいても、大海の中にいても、山中の奥深いところに入っても、悪業から逃れることのできる場所はない(ダンマパダ・中村元訳)」。    (かつて住職のメールで知らせて頂いた一節)

No. 518
“My father always said, ‘If you go to the temple, you will be saved.’ The fact that I can now live my life with gratitude is solely due to my parents’ never abandoning me, whatever the situation, but waiting and praying that I become a nembutsu follower.” Young woman at the temple.

父がいつも「お寺にお参りすれば、おまえは助かる」と言っておりました。今、私を生かして頂いていることは、すべて両親が私を見捨てず、お念佛の身になるように願い、待っていて下さっていたおかげです。    (寺内の若婦人の御礼)
No. 519
“The echoing sound of the temple bell is a call to me from the Buddha in the Pure Land. Everything radiates warmth around me- trees, grass, air and, above all, people. It is all the Buddhas or good Dharma friends of the Samgha who have led me to realise this world of gratitude and grateful response.” Woman at the temple.

喚鐘の響きはお浄土からの佛様のお呼びかけ……。まわりのすべてが、木も、草も、空気も、なにより人がすべて、なんと暖かく輝いていて下さることか。この感謝、感恩の思いを、教えて下さったのが僧伽の諸佛善知識。    (寺内の婦人の御礼)
No. 520
“My mouth is all too ready to pronounce ill of others, despite the fact that pronouncing the nembutsu is a precious gift.” Young Dharma friend.

私のこの口は、すぐに人に対して、ひどいことを言う口。お念佛を称えさせて頂くための口なのに……。    (ある青年同行の言)