Event: 171st London Eza


What is London Eza?
It is one of the regular meetings known as London Eza, which is planned to take place every two months. Every summer, London Eza is held, incorporating the annual ceremony to pray for world peace and reconciliation.


Invitation to the 171st London Eza

that incorporates the annual ceremony to pray for World Peace

and Reconciliation between Britain and Japan.


I am writing with great pleasure to invite you to the 171st London Eza, to be held at Three Wheels on Sunday 1st September 2024 at 1:30 pm.

Every summer for the last twenty-seven years, Three Wheels has been holding a very special annual ceremony to pray for World Peace and the reconciliation of British and Japanese veterans of the Burma Campaign during the Second World War. This Eza has also regularly included a further service for the soldiers and civilians of different nationalities who lost their lives in Burma or elsewhere during the Second World War. In particular, this year’s ceremony will incorporate the seventeenth memorial service for the late Mr. Masao Hirakubo, a Japanese war veteran who worked very hard to reconcile between British and Japanese veterans and now is respected as the father of reconciliation.

Religious services for reconciliation and world peace will be joined by Christian and Islamic leaders and Buddhist representatives of different denominations.

As every year, the Japanese Embassy, always so supportive of “reconciliation movements”, has been invited to send their own representative accompanied by several other diplomats.

At this forthcoming meeting, Rev. Kemmyo Sato has planned to give an address of thanks regarding all that has been done for us by all those war veterans, now already deceased, with special reference to the late Mr Masao Hirakubo, remembering the enormous effort and dedications of his for reconciliation and world peace.

Let us discuss frankly what we can do for world peace.

I am looking forward to welcoming all of you at Three Wheels.

Yours sincerely,

Kenshin Ishii

Venue: Three Wheels, 55 Carbery Avenue, London, W3 9AB

Time and Date: Sunday 1st September at 1:30 pm

Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84223478832?pwd=c0EyZTI1ZVRNcTFNdGZpMGF4U1dxQT09

Meeting ID: 842 2347 8832

Passcode: 3Wheels