No. 571
“’Harmony’ appears when my selfish mind melts away.” Head priest.
「和」は、自分の心が溶けて行くことによって生まれます。 (住職の言)
No. 572
“On visiting Anrakuji Temple in the company of Professor White (the same temple Asahara Saich used to visit), I encountered a poem by Saichi, ‘A wretched person goes [to the Pure Land]. If this wretchedness is removed, there is no mind [within me]. This wretched one goes [to the Pure Land].’ I was very moved to encounter this poem, because it allowed me to understand that my being allowed to keep going forward did not depend on first ridding myself of the wretchedness of my coping mind, but that I was allowed to go forward just as I am, despite of my wretchedness.” Young priest at the temple.
「ホワイト先生と一緒に安楽寺さんにお参りさせて頂いた時、『あさましいのがまいらせてもらう あさましいのをどけりゃこころなし あさましいのがまいらせてもらう』という才市さんの詩に会わせて頂きました。批判心しかない私の心を取り除いてからではなしに、あさましい心のそのままで 参らせてもらうというところに、大きな感動を覚えました」。 (寺内若僧分の言)
No. 573
“Taya life has not been easy for me because all the problems which I had previously hidden or ignored in my daily life have been illuminated by those around me; which has meant I can no longer ignore them. But this light that allows me to see my true nature, is a compassionate light that has given me the faith and trust to follow in the footsteps of my friends and teachers.” Young English man visiting the temple.
「多屋生活は私にとって決して易しいものではありませんでした。と申しますのは、以前は日常生活において隠したり無視したりしてきていた問題のすべてが、 私の周りの人々によって照らし出されて、もはやそういう問題を無視することは出来ないからであります。しかし、私に私の本性を見させて下さるこの光は、お 慈悲の光であり、私の友人や先生方の歩みに従う信仰、信頼を私に与えて下さいました」。 (英国より来寺の青年同行の言)
No. 574
“Although I am often asked what Daigyoin sama was like, there is actually no Daigyoin sama without the present Head Priest.” Old taya resident who recently died.
「よく大行院様はどんな人だったかと聞かれるけれど、今のご住職のほかに大行院様はおられません」とキッパリとお応えになった。 (最近亡くなられた多屋の老婦人の言)
No. 575
“When my suffering was at its height, I was comforted by picking up fallen leaves one after another.” Female Dharma friend at the temple.
「一番苦しい時に私は、お寺で落ち葉拾いをすることによって支えられました」。 (若婦人同行の言)
No. 576
“You say you are ‘going’ to Shogyoji Temple, mother, but to me it seems that you are ‘returning’ to the temple.” English female Doctor who had lived at the temple speaking to her mother who was leaving London to undergo an introspection session.
「お母さんは正行寺に行くというけれど、お母さんは正行寺に帰るのだと思うよ」。 (正行寺での聴聞のためにロンドンを旅立つ母親に対しての、正行寺に滞在したことのある英国人女性医師の言)
No. 577
“When I discovered that I was completely imprisoned by my karma and unable to flee from myself, I found all at once that I had started pronouncing the nembutsu quite without knowing it. With my life given back to me through the nembutsu, it was a profoundly moving experience for me to read the words of Daigyoin-sama, “(Selfish) love is death, faith is life.” Female Dharma friend who had journeyed all the way from London to undergo a session of introspection.
「業報に行き詰まって逃げるに逃げられぬようになった時、いつの間にかお念佛を称えていました。お念佛に更生させて頂いて、大行院様の『愛は死なり、信は生なり』というお言葉に、はかりしれない感動を覚えました」。 (ロンドンから聴聞に来た婦人同行の言)
No. 578
When I visited the village where Heitaro, one of Shinran Shonin’s disciples, had lived and found myself in front of the monument on which was inscribed the message that Shinran Shonin had once worked here too in the vast rice field, Isuddenly recollected the Shonin’s words, ‘It is entirely meant for me, Shinran, alone.’ I really felt at that point that life was indeed a solitary journey.” Young priest at the temple.
「親鸞聖人の御弟子の一人、平太郎さんのところを訪ねて、聖人が共に田植えをし御田植え歌を作られたと書かれた、広大な田圃に立つ石碑に独り対面した時、 『親鸞一人がためなりけり』というお言葉が思い浮かび、『人生はただ独りの旅』と云うことを実感させて頂きました」。 (若僧分の言)
No. 579
“Cut any part of my body, I will shed the blood that is known as go-on (what has been done for me).” Senior priest at the temple.
「私の身体の何処を切ってみても、御恩という名の血が噴き出してくるでしょう」。 (寺内老僧分の言)
No. 580
“Visiting Higashi Honganji Temple for the Hoonko ceremony, I found myself deeply moved by the words of the wife of the former Supreme Primate, ‘Unable to know myself, it is only in the nembutsu that I feel truly alive’.” Head priest.
「この度御本山の報恩講にお参りさせて頂いて、『自己を知ることのできない私が、お念佛の中にこそ生きる実感を頂きます』と、仰せられた大裏方さまのお言葉に、言い尽くせない感動を覚えました」。 (住職の言)