No. 531
“It is a good teacher who guides and cures the blind and the deaf.” From The Collection of the Sayings of Venerable Kojuin.
眼のあかぬもの耳の聞こえぬもの治療して下さるが善知識の御化導。 (大行院様が拝読をお勧めになっている『香樹院講師語録』より)
No. 532
“If you really want to listen to the Buddha-dharma, the very pores of your body, all eighty-four thousand of them, must also become your ears.” From The Collection of the Sayings of Venerable Kojuin.
聞く気になれば身体中の毛穴、八万四千の毛穴が全て耳になると云うことである。 (大行院様が拝読をお勧めになっている『香樹院講師語録』より)
No. 533
“It is not merely through our ears that we listen [to the Buddha-dharma]. Always thinking of the Honoured One, whether we are asleep or awake, is also part of our listening. From The Collection of the Sayings of Venerable Kojuin.
耳に聞くばかりが聴聞ではない。ねてもさめても彼尊の仰せを思うが聴聞なり。 (大行院様が拝読をお勧めになっている『香樹院講師語録』より)
No. 534
“Telling oneself that the reason one’s wife does not understand the Dharma is because one’s own understanding of the Buddha-dharma is not deep enough, one should humbly reflect on oneself in every respect.” From The Collection of the Sayings of Venerable Kojuin.
家内の法義にならぬのも、亦自身の法義が本心にならぬからぢゃと、一々我が身にへり下らねばならぬ。 (大行院様が拝読をお勧めになっている『香樹院講師語録』より)
No. 535
“The essence of the Buddha-dharma lies in entrusting oneself to the Tathagata and receiving every word of his teaching as though addressed directly to oneself.” From The Collection of the Sayings of Venerable Kojuin.
佛法の命とは、如来の教えを何から何まで我が身に受けて信ずるが佛法の命。 (大行院様が拝読をお勧めになっている『香樹院講師語録』より)
No. 536
“The actual life you have been living right up until this very day – take it as the borderline between Hell and the Land of Utmost Bliss.” From The Collection of the Sayings of Venerable Kojuin.
今日まで生き永らえた命を、地獄極楽の境と心得られよ。 (大行院様が拝読をお勧めになっている『香樹院講師語録』より)
No. 537
“Try and study the Buddha-dharma while you are still young, for when we grow older the ‘skin’ of our karma becomes that much thicker.” From The Collection of the Sayings of Venerable Kojuin.
佛法は若い時嗜め。年老いると業の皮は厚うなる。 (大行院様が拝読をお勧めになっている『香樹院講師語録』より)
No. 538
“Someone once said, ‘Looking at the will I’d made, I wondered what would remain with me now that I was giving away all that I possessed. But of course nobody would receive my personal karma, created in the course of collecting all those possessions. When I came to understand that only evil karma would be left to me and that I had to shoulder it as I went on my way, I was unable to sleep all night.’ ” From The Collection of the Sayings of Venerable Kojuin.
遺言状を直(じっ)と見つめて、今日持って居るもの全て妻子親類に分与してしまった後に、何が残ったか。此の財を作るとき造った業これのみは貰って呉れる 者はない。悪いもの丈が後に残って、自分が背負って往くのかと思ったら、一夜よう寝つかれなんだと。 (大行院様が拝読をお勧めになっている『香樹院講師語録』より)
No. 539
“Although my father had long been the object of much criticism and hostile feelings on my part, once I learned to respect him as a Dharma friend I began to feel grateful to him for his parental love.” Young Dharma friend.
これまで父に対して、反発心や批判の心を持ち続けてきたが、父がお同行の先達として拝めた時、はじめて父の親心が頂けてきた。 (若いお同行の言)
No. 540
“Though they be acquainted with as many as eighty thousand teachings, those who know nothing of Birth [in the Pure Land] shall be called ignorant. Others, though they may be illiterate men and women devoting themselves to the Buddha-dharma whilst leading the life of laypeople, because they know about Birth they shall be called wise.” From the second letter of Fascicle 5 of The Letters by Rennyo.
八萬の法蔵を知るというとも、後世を知らざる人を愚者とす。たとい一文不知の尼入道なりというとも、後世を知るを智者とすといえり。 (蓮如上人『御文』五帖目第二通)