Trustees and Priests

1takehara-new Venerable Chimyo Takehara
Head Priest of Shogyoji Temple and the former Chairman of the London Shogyoji Trust (1997 – 2024)
Based at Shogyoji Temple in Fukuoka, Japan.
Venerable Chimyo Takehara has been guiding Shogyoji and all of its branches since 1967.
2taira Rev. Prof. Kemmyo Taira Sato
Trustee of the London Shogyoji Trust (1997 – Present)
and former Director of Three Wheels (1994-2024)
Professor of Western and Buddhist Philosophy and Visiting Professor at the School of Oriental and African Studies. Reverend Professor Kemmyo Sato continues to provide pivotal support and direction for all activities that take place at Three Wheels.
7oga Mr. Reitaro Oga
Trustee of the London Shogyoji Trust
(1997 – 2024)
Mr. Reitaro Oga is a Responsible Trustee of Shogyoji Temple. His family’s relationship with Shogyoji dates back 400 years. In approximately 1590, an ancestor of Mr. Oga became a follower of a Buddhist priest Ryoen, and donated approximately 1000 square meters of land in Futsukaichi for the building of Shogyoji Temple.
4steven Dr. Stephen Montgomery
Trustee of the London Shogyoji Trust
(1997 – Present)
Dr. Stephen Montgomery, a former Lecturer at University College London in the department of Mechanical Engineering, was one of the founding members of Three Wheels.
12kaori Mrs. Kaori Punwani
Trustee of the London Shogyoji Trust
(2003 – Present)
Mrs. Kaori Punwani is daughter of Mr. Kenji Toda.
Her responsibilities include an arrangement of Garden Open Days.
nagase Prof. Hideaki Nagase
Trustee of the London Shogyoji Trust
(2005 – Present)
Hideaki Nagase is former Professor of Oxford University, UK. While he investigated biochemical causes of cartilage destruction in arthritis, he studied Buddhism.
ida Mr. Izumi Ida
Trustee of the London Shogyoji Trust
(2005 – Present)
Mr. Izumi Ida is the former Chairman of the Mizota Corporation and a graduate of the Law Department of Tokyo University. He is also the former Chairperson of the Saga Prefecture Public Safety Commission. Currently he is a resident of Toho Taya, Shogyoji Temple, Japan.
etsuko_crellin Mrs. Etsuko Crellin
Trustee of the London Shogyoji Trust
(2007 – Present)
A long-time member of the Three Wheels, together with her husband, Mr. Anthony Crellin, has, in addition to giving constant help to Hiroko Sato, on her own initiative founded the organisation of the Friends of Three Wheels. She also had the Zen garden included in the National Gardens Scheme, the first four official Openings taking place in the Spring of 2007.
andrew_w Mr. Andrew Webb
Trustee (2009 – Present) and Honorary Secretary (2020 – Present) of the London Shogyoji Trust
Andrew is a member of the editorial committees for the Three Wheels Newsletter and website. Andrew assists Three Wheels with organising many of its regular activities such as the Shokai Retreat and London Eza meetings. Andrew has a particular interest in interfaith dialogue.
dilly_suzuma Mrs. Dilly Suzuma
Trustee of the London Shogyoji Trust
(2014 – present)
Mrs Dilly Suzuma, the British widow of a Japanese national, is a UCL modern languages graduate and English language coach. Having hosted the director when he first came to live in London, she has been a well-wisher of Three Wheels ever since its inception.
Professor Nick Tyler Professor Nick Tyler
Trustee of the London Shogyoji Trust
(2020 – present)
Professor Nick Tyler is the Chadwick Professor of Civil Engineering at UCL, and organised the two 150th anniversaries at UCL of the arrival at the university of the Choshu 5 and Satsuma 14.
Prof Gill Professor Gillian Murphy
Trustee of the London Shogyoji Trust
(2021 – present)
Professor Gillian Murphy is an emeritus professor at the University of Cambridge and previously studied proteolytic enzymes active in carcinogenesis. She has interests in the history of religion and in Buddhist philosophy.
Mrs Sanae Ishii Mrs. Sanae Ishii
Honorary Treasurer of the London Shogyoji Trust
(2019 – present)
Mrs. Sanae Ishii is the wife of Rev. Ishii and is responsible for managing all practical aspects of daily living, special events at the Three Wheels houses and coordination of activities for younger members of the Sangha.
kenshin_hiroshi_ishii_copy3 Rev. Kenshin Ishii
Director of Three Wheels and Vice Chairman of London Shogyoji Trust (2024 – Present)
Deputy Director of Three Wheels (2006 – 2024)

Rev. Ishii came to UK in February 2006. He supported the former director Rev. Sato by organising all activities at Three Wheels. He was appointed to be Director in April 2024. Through his own religious experiences, he guides Dharma friends in Sangha.