Invitation to the 170th London Eza
It is my great pleasure to invite you to the 170th London Eza, which will be held on Sunday, June 23rd, at 13:00.
In May at Shogyoji temple in Japan, the parental body of Three Wheels, there were some very important events, such as the 25th memorial services for the former Dharma Lord His Eminence Kosho Otani and of Dharma Mother Ekai. Also, on this occasion, the 15th head priest of Shogyoji Venerable Chimyo Takehara retired and Venerable Keimei Takehara formally succeeded him as the 16th head priest of Shogyoji. From Three Wheels, a number of Dharma friends attended the ceremonies and witnessed the historical event of this succession, which is entirely based on faith transmission.
At the 170th London Eza, Three Wheels plans to invite those who visited Shogyoji to share their experiences and impressions on these events and their pilgrimage to some very important places connected to Shogyoji and the Shin Buddhist tradition. Please take this opportunity to hear them share their wonderful religious experiences at the 170th London Eza.
In addition, we are pleased to announce that the 2024 Garden Open Days will be held on both Saturday, June 8th and Sunday, June 9th, from 14:00 to 17:00. Rev. Kemmyo Sato will be giving a talk each day on the Zen garden and its connection to Buddhism and members of Ladies Meeting will, as usual, be holding tea ceremonies for the visitors to enjoy. Please come and enjoy the talk and tea together with your family and friends.
Furthermore, we are so excited to welcome some Dharma friends from Japan in June and July.
Firstly, we will welcome the arrival of Rev. Goshin Takehara, the son of the 16th head priest of Shogyoji, and Mr Kiichiro Oga, son of one of the responsible Trustees of Shogyoji, who are both coming to Three Wheels to experience our active Three Wheels Sangha.
Secondly, one of the top gardeners of Japan, Mr Masayuki Ogawa, who managed the construction of the Three Wheels’ Zen Garden, has planned to visit Three Wheels to provide his annual voluntary maintenance of the garden.
It was the most important wish of the late Prof. John White that Three Wheels’ Dharma friends regularly have spiritual exchange with people from Shogyoji, both through visiting them in Japan and being visited by them at Three Wheels. Please take the opportunity to have conversations with our visitors and have wonderful encounters with them.
I am very much looking forward to welcoming as many of you as possible to Three Wheels to attend the London Eza and our other activities throughout the coming year.
Kind regards,
Rev. Kenshin Ishii
Director of Three Wheels
Venue: Three Wheels, 55 Carbery Avenue, London, W3 9AB
Date and Time: Sunday, June 23rd, at 13:00
Zoom Detail
Topic: London Eza
Date and Time: Sunday, June 23rd, at 13:00
Meeting ID: 842 2347 8832
Passcode: 3Wheels