Coming to the time of Mahayana Buddhism, when people no longer aimed simply at securing their own enlightenment but disciplined themselves to enlighten others, there appeared, in contrast to the previous notion of Nirvana, the concept of ‘Nirvana of No-Abode.’
The ‘Nirvana of No-Abode’ refers to a form of Nirvana in which one does not abide in the circle of birth and death and no longer in Nirvana itself. One does not remain in the cycle of birth and death on account of one’s wisdom, one does not abide in Nirvana because of the unconditional love one bears all sentient beings.
It is a way of practicing Buddhism that, going beyond not only the cycle of birth-and-death but also the ideal of Nirvana, aims constantly at the salvation of all sentient beings. It is an idea born of the notion of bodhisattva practice in Mahayana Buddhism in which a bodhisattva is actively involved in saving others in the world of sentient beings. (From the Lectures on The Hymns on the Ages of Right Dharma, Semblance Dharma and Last Dharma.)
Humbly and Respectfully
Chimyo Takehara
涅槃にも止まらず、生死界にも止まらず、なおかつ衆生の救済を目的とする実践道です。菩薩が大悲をもって、衆生界で活躍するという大乗菩薩の菩薩行を背景として生まれた思想です。 (「正像末和讃会座」より)