No. 101
The Head Priest said, “When you arrive at the temple this is the right time for you to open yourself up.”
お寺に参る時、そのままが自己開放の時。 (住職の言)
No. 102
Reverend Kojun Shinohara said, “There is no one who talked about his personal life as little as Shinran Shonin.”
親鸞聖人ほど自分のことを仰っていない方はない。 (寺内・孝順師)
No. 103
Reverend Kojun Shinohara said, “When Namu Amida Butsu with its joy of faith is transmitted from master to disciple or from parent to child, this is respectively called the Dharma lineage or the Blood lineage.
師匠から弟子へ。親から子へ。「南無阿弥陀仏」という信心の喜びが伝わることが、法脈、血脈であります。 (寺内・孝順師)
No. 104
Doctor Masahiro Sakimura, who recently started living in the Seiwa Taya, stated, “The greeting voices, ‘you are welcome back to the temple,’ vividly resonate in my heart. I am now at the starting point of my new life embraced in a sense of peacefulness.”
『お帰りなさい』のお声が新鮮に心に響いてきました。安らぎと共にスタート台に立たせてもらいました。 (清和多屋入りの崎村正弘ドクター)
No. 105
The Head Priest said, “A taya house is a place where we, each and every one of us, have to encounter one another by breaking through our ego-centered world.”
多屋は一人一人が自我の壁を取り払い、どんな人とも出会わざるを得ない「場」である。 (住職の言)
No. 106
A Dharma friend, who has recently resolved to have an introspection session, said “Eighteen years have passed since my first connection with the temple. During this time, however, my mind has only been focused on the worldly affairs. Now I have made this resolution on my own to listen deeply to the Dharma.”
御縁を頂いて十八年経ったが、歳月を重ねただけで心は世間ばかりを向いていた。今こそ自分の責任で聞かせて頂きたいと思い至りました。 (聴聞発願の同行の言)
No. 107
Reverend Kojun Shinohara declared, “To go along the Buddhist path is none other than to follow what Shakyamuni Buddha did during his lifetime.”
佛道とは、釈尊の行実。 (孝順師の講話内容より)
No. 108
A Dharma friend stated after his introspection session, “To respect my parents is my foremost task. I would like to tread carefully along this path.”
『親を拝む』という姿勢が自分の根本課題。気をつけて歩ませて頂きます。 (聴聞御礼を述べたお同行)
No. 109
At the meeting to read Article 136 of The Rennyo Shonin Goinchidai-ki Kikigaki the Head Priest said, “Our ‘six bandits’ are none other than our blind passions. We have jealousy for our ‘eyes’, gossip for our ‘ears,’ secretiveness for our ‘nose,’ temporal satisfaction for our ‘tongue,’ muddiness for our ‘body’ and anxiety for our ‘mind.’ This is the reality of our lives.”
我々の六賊は煩悩そのもの。「眼」には嫉妬、「耳」はうわさ話、「鼻」は秘密を嗅ぎつけ、「舌」はひと時の満足、「身」は泥水に浸かった身体、「意」は瞬時も落ち着けない不安……これが我々の実際生活。 (『聞書』一三六条に寄せて住職の言)
No. 110
The Head Priest said, “Concerning a taya house, your introspective remark, ‘Because I have no understanding, I am allowed to enter a taya house,’ is more important than your experiential remark, “Only upon entering can you understand.”
多屋は「入ればわかる」の体験より、「どうしてもわからんから、入れて頂いた」の内観こそ。 (住職の言)