11 to 20

No. 11
The Head Priest said at a Dharma meeting, “Buddhism is simply awakening to one’s original self.”

佛教は、自分が本来の自分になることを覚らしめる外はない。  (会座にて住職の言)
No. 12
At a morning assembly Head Priest said, “When you treasure what you hear from others, your own words will be given new life.”

人から聞いたことを大事だと思ったとき、私の言葉が新鮮に甦る。   (会座にて住職の言)
No. 13
Speaking at a meeting, the Head Priest talked of a young man who had a painful life since being told whilst still at primary school of his father’s approaching death. The father’s last words had been, “Please, cherish and treasure a grateful heart!” This man had valued these words highly whilst continuing to lead a life full of sufferings. At the temple all they could show him was the pure act of paying respect, going beyond teleological consciousness. The man, saying simply “Thank you” and nothing else, began pronouncing the nembutsu with tears of joy springing from his eyes.

小学生の時にお父さんの限りある寿命を告げられた彼の人生はいかばかりであったか……。お父さんの遺言「感謝の心を大切に……」を受け、苦しんできた彼に 「我々ができることは、目的意識を超えた『礼拝』するという姿勢だけである」と伝えると、ただ「有り難うございます」と、彼は素直に涙々の念佛の姿になっ ていた。    (会座にて住職の言)
No. 14
The Head Priest stated at a women’s assembly, “The essence of Buddhism is said to lie in selflessness. Simply put this means ‘non-attachment’.”

「佛教は無我」といわれますが、端的に言うと「自分に囚われない」ことです。    (婦人会にて住職の言)
No. 15
The Head Priest also said at a women’s assembly, “True thoughtfulness comes from the way people try and understand one another. Therefore, thoughtfulness will be found to be the foundation of true encounter.”

お互いに分かり合おうとする姿勢をもつことが、本当の思いやりです。だから本来的に出会うことの基礎には思いやりがあるはずです。    (婦人会にて住職の言)
No. 16
The Head Priest stated at a women’s assembly, “If you understand how ignorant you are, then everything will become a lesson and you will find the enthusiasm to study.”

自分は何も知らないと云うことがわかると、全てが課題となって学ぶ情熱がわいてくる。    (婦人会にて住職の言)
No. 17
The Head Priest’ said at a morning assembly, “If your words are living, their life will be imparted to those that receive them.”

生きた言葉とは、必ず受け取った人の上で甦る言葉である。    (会座にて住職の言)
No. 18
The Head Priest stated at a women’s assembly, “If you approach people with the attitude that you are going to teach them, you will trample on their feelings. Your pride that makes you think that you understand hurts their lives.”

教え心をもって人と接したら、相手の願いを踏みにじってしまうことになる。自分がわかっているという高上がりの心がいのちを障っている。    (婦人会にて住職の言)
No. 19
The Head Priest said at a women’s assembly, “Your ordinary attitude to life should be kept for you to encourage others to speak to you.”

日頃の心構えとして、常に人からものを言ってもらえるようにすること。    (婦人会にて住職の言)
No. 20
Mr Jigme from the U.S.A. also said, “There are wonderful lessons to be learned in this temple filled as it is with the Buddha’s compassion and prayer for world peace.”

このお寺には、素晴らしい教えが生きていて、世界平和を願う佛さまのお慈悲に溢れています。    (米国より来寺のジグメ氏の言)