No. 151
Dr Kazuhiko Shimizu, the Director of Kyoto Shogyoji, said, “Not allowing myself to drown in my karmic existence but using it instead as a springboard, I would like to open my mind to the light.”
「自らの機に沈まず、それをバネに、明るい方向に心を開きたい」 (京都正行寺主管・清水和彦先生の言)
No. 152
As the Head Priest said, “Having conversations can be more significant than reading books.”
「本を読むより、対話をする方が、意義が深いともいえる」 (住職の言)
No. 153
At the man’s funeral wake Reverend Kojun Shinohara said, “He was a person who had met a good teacher and had followed throughout his life the way of entrusting oneself to the Buddha. During his life he kept shining in a little corner inconspicuously.”
善知識に遇って、一心に信順されての御一生。生前は「人の目に付かないところで一隅を照らす姿」であった。 (ある同行の通夜での孝順師の言)
No. 154
Dr Kazuhiko Shimizu, the Director of Kyoto Shogyoji, said, “Embarking on the taya way of life with open arms, we understand its meaning at a much deeper level, all our old preconceptions having vanished.”
「自分から飛び込んでみると、先入観がなくなって、意味の深さが見えてくる」 (京都正行寺主管・清水和彦先生の言)
No. 155
Doctor Shimizu, the Director of Kyoto Shogyoji, declared, “Both the faith and the practice of Shin Buddhists are to be found in the relationship they create between their social life and the Buddha-dharma.”
「社会生活と佛教がどうかみ合っていくか。そこに浄土真宗の信行がある」 (京都正行寺主管・清水先生の言)
No. 156
The Head Priest said, “Finding ‘the significance of existence’ in the here and now is more important than striving for ‘the meaning of life’ in the future.”
「未来のことを追いかける“生き甲斐”より、今ここに居る“居り甲斐”が大切」 (住職の言)
No. 157
Mr Naoki Eri, still studying to become a Buddhist sculptor, said, “Through my training I have been undergoing over the last three years I have come to understand how to learn with my whole being rather than just relying on my intellect.”
「三年間の修行生活を通して、考える前に、体全体で学ぶ姿勢を知った」 (佛師修行中の江里尚樹氏の言)
No. 158
Mrs Etsuko Crellin, who had attended the ceremony of confirmation in London, said in her letter of thanks, “I thought I had reached the goal of my journey, instead I found myself standing before the gates of my house.”
「目的地に着いたと思ったら、そこは我が家の門前だった」 (ロンドンで帰敬式を受式したクレリン・悦子さんのサンクスレターから)
No. 159
Reverend Keimei Takehara, back temporarily from Tokyo, said, “It is very important to spend time thinking of others slowly and steadily whilst examining one’s own mind at the same time.”
「じっくり、ゆっくり、人の事を思い、自分の心を練る。それも大切なスピード」 (東京から一時帰山、滞在中の慶明師の言)
No. 160
Mrs Toako Konya observed, “When those who are accustomed to telling others to be kind are told to be kind themselves, they tend to be taken aback, become doubtful and question the speaker’s intentions. I myself have now become aware of this contradiction and learnt how difficult it is to listen to the Buddha-dharma.”
「親切心の言い手が、聞き手に回れば邪見。その矛盾に気づき、苦しみ、聞法の厳しさに出会った」 (寺内・紺矢東亜子さんの言)