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No. 281
The Head Priest said, “It is my parents with their unconditional love who best protect me.”

無条件に私を護ってくれるのは、父母に如くは無い。 (住職の言)
No. 282
The Head Priest said, “We can attain the path that lies beyond the duality of good and evil by becoming aware of it. To put it more accurately, we are awakened to it [through others]. It is therefore very important for us to have good friends and teachers.”

善悪二元を超える道は、「知ること」であるが、正確を期せば「知らしめられること」でなければならない。それは同行・善知識を持つにしくはない。    (住職の言)
No. 283
The Head Priest said, “If parents and those who are in a position to teach children fail to remember our reflection on their own rebellious stage and adolescence or if they allow immature young people criticize adults and the environment just as they please, then such people will lose their own natural capacity for observation and healthy criticism.”

親や指導すべき立場の人が、子どもの反抗期、思春期を無反省にやり過ごしたり、いまだ無分別な子どもが大人や環境を批判するのを放置したら、子どもの健康な観察心、批判心も失われます。    (住職の言)
No. 284
The Head Priest said, “In order to ‘heal a family’, families that are burdened with similar problems should try and solve their difficulties by sharing and discussing them with other such families. When you face your problems in this way, you will find the truth of the symbiotic way of life.”

「家庭再生」とは、共通の問題をかかえる家庭同士が、互いに課題を出し合って、そこから編み出していくべきです。そのよう取り組むとき、共生の精神が見出されてくるはずです。    (住職の言)
No. 285
The Head Priest said, “Family break up is a social problem of the modern world, not only in the West but also in the East. To solve this problem we must cherish the restoration of family life as our ideal and show respect towards those around us.”

「家庭崩壊」は洋の東西を問わず、世界的な社会問題です。この問題を解決するためにも「家庭再生」の理念をシッカリ築き、「敬いの心」をもって身近な人と出会っていかなければなりません。    (住職の言)
No. 286
The Head Priest said, “Children do not think about the sort of thoughts their parents may be having and parents never divulge their innermost thoughts to their children. That is the problem currently facing our families.”

子は親の心を考えず、親も子供に心の内を話したことが無い。それが現在の家庭における問題である。    (住職の言)
No. 287
The Head Priest said, “If you lie and deceive people, or say different things to different people and spend your time just messing around for fun, there will be no way for you to engender ‘respect’ or ‘veneration’.”

「自分を偽る、人をごまかす、あっちこっちで言うことが違う、面白おかしく過ごしていく」というのでは、全く「畏れ」もなければ、「敬」も生まれようがない。    (住職の言)
No. 288The Head Priest said, “If we have our own ‘calling’, we will find our own ‘place’ where we can settle. We will be content to find our own ‘place’. The problem is, however, that we become envious of the places occupied by others and attempt to steal them.”

我々に天命があるなら、天座というのもあるだろう。この自分の座を見出した時に、満足がある。しかし私どもは、人の座がうらやましく、それを盗もうとする。 (住職の言)
No. 289
A young Dharma friend said, “For the last twenty years I always considered that my parents and I had a good relationship. But now being in this temple, awakened to what the Buddha has done for me and surrounded by good Dharma friends, I feel as if we had only just attained a true parent and child relationship for the very first time.”

二十年間、親子のつもりでしたが、お同行に包まれ、佛様の御恩にふれさせて頂いて、初めて本当の親子となった思いです。    (ある青年同行の言)
No. 290
The Head Priest said, “What we can all do now is re-appreciate our relationship with our parents. If those given life in this world feel gratitude towards their parents, it becomes the starting point for a sense of ‘filial piety’.”

我々に出来ることは、親子関係の見直し。命を賜った者が、父母に対し感謝の心を持つことが「孝」であり、その原点である。    (住職の言)