No. 31
A Tibetan high priest said, “Peace is nothing else than the settlement of my own mind.”
平和とは私一人の心が安定すること。 (あるチベット高僧)
No. 32
A teacher of Gagaku music from the Imperial Palace stated during his lesson, “It is not enough for you only to like music or Gagaku music. Unless you are rooted in Buddhist spirituality, your Gagaku music will not be genuine.”
単に雅楽が好き、音楽が好きというだけではいけない。佛教精神に根ざさない限り、本当の雅楽ではない。 (雅楽習礼時の宮内庁先生の言)
No. 33
A Dharma friend said at a monthly meeting, “Until today I have been looking at ‘peace’ from outside. Now I understand that the source of conflict lies within myself. It is rooted in my despicable existence, ignorant and hateful.”
今までは眺めていた「平和」にすぎなかった。まったく正反対に、戦いの根本は私自身だったと知らされた。愚癡となって、恨みを抱く、戦い根は私自身の卑しさにあった。 (聖人逮夜法座、『聞書』発表者の言)
No. 34
A Dharma friend said at a monthly Dharma meeting, “The Goichidaiki-kikigaki is a skillful means that comes towards me ever more closely. Realising what an ignoramus I am, inconceivably my mind became peaceful.”
『御一代記聞書』は、どこまでも私に近づいて下さる御方便。そこに「大ばか者」の私が知られて、不思議に心が落ち着いた。 (聖人逮夜法座、『聞書』発表者の言)
No. 35
Reverend J. said, “I feel that the existence of a taya house gives life to its surroundings.”
多屋の存在は周りの建物を生き返らせていると感じた。 (J師の言)
No. 36
The Head Priest said, “It is at the very moment the selfish mind is banished that Infinite Life starts to work. What until now has been but a mere object or shape begins to speak to me.”
自分がと思っている心が去った瞬間、そこから無限の命の用きがはじまり、それまで、ものがら、姿、形だったものが、呼びかけに変わります。 (住職の言)
No. 37
One of the followers of the temple observed at the seventh anniversary of her mother’s death, “My mother used to say, ‘There’s possibly no one more ignorant than I, who have been so unaware of all that others have done for me.’”
佛法を信じている人を信じていた母、「自分ほど愚鈍で恩知らずはいない」が母の口癖でした。 (七回忌を務めたある信徒の言)
No. 38
The Head Priest said at a morning assembly, “The Original Prayer is received first by your body. Mental understanding follows later, quite literally with hindsight.”
願心は、身体で受けている。考え方は後からついてくる文字通りあとの智慧。 (朝の会座にて住職の言)
No. 39
Professor Shin Hyeon Ha said, “Japan’s partner in the 21st century will be Korea. What is important is for those two countries to get to know one another and for this the first essential is to know oneself”.
「二十一世紀の日本のパートナーは韓国だ。お互いを知ること。それには先ず、自分を知ること」。 (申鉉夏先生の言)
No. 40
A student who took part in the Spring Training Session gave his impressions, saying, “Have I up till now been doing what I should? Have I been helping people? I was given the time to think about these things during the session.”
今まで自分のなすべきことをしてきたか、人の役にたてたか。それを考える時間を頂いた。 (春安居に参加した学生の御礼より)