No. 351
“It is because of our failure to respect one another that we cannot stop fighting however often we may repeat our discussions.” Head Priest.
考え方をいくら話し合っても戦いがやまないのは、お互い「向こう心」を拝んでないからでしょう。 (住職の言)
No. 352
“One day Venerable Takehara observed that this temple was a place where an unsavable person should be saved. The only thing an unsavable person has to practise is pronouncing the nembutsu as if facing death. Venerable Takehara’s words, ‘If we can say <thank-you> and <sorry> in our daily lives in the same way we would at the point of death, then that will be truly appreciated’, are still echoing deep in my mind.” Former Head Priest of neighbouring temple.
ある日、「このお寺はどうにもならんものが、どうにかなってゆかんならんところ」と仰せになりました。更にどうにもならぬものの唯一の行を「念死念佛」と お教え頂きました。「〈ありがとうございました〉と〈すみませんでした〉の二語が往生・平生隔てなく持てたら、有り難いことです」といわれた言葉が深く 残っています。 (隣寺先住職の述懐)
No. 353
“On facing my master I have to overcome every karmic attachment, even my own family history.” Head Priest of another temple.
師の前では、親子の歴史といえど、切り捨てていくしかない。 (あるお寺の住職の言)
No. 354
“When my home is built, the nation will be formed. When the nation starts to develop, the international world will be formed.” From The One Sheet Teaching by Daigyoin
我家建ちて国起る。国が発(おこ)れば世界が起る。 (大行院様法語)
No. 355
“The way of ‘filial piety’ is the point of contact between ultimate truth and secular truth. What connects the Buddha Dharma and the National Law is ‘respect.’ All that has been done for us comes quite simply from our parents. Without our parents we wouldn’t be able to revere the Buddha.” Kojun Shinohara.
「孝」の道は真俗二諦の接点であり、佛法と王法の接点は「敬」である。蒙る御恩は唯一つ、親の御恩。親なくして佛は拝めない。 (孝順師の言)
No. 356
“Why is it a sin to doubt Buddha’s Wisdom? I asked myself. Then I realised that it was the gravest sin for me to obstruct the Tathagata’s great work to benefit others through my own belief in the karmic law of cause and effect, the doctrine that a good deed brings about happiness and an evil one sadness.” An old priest at Shogyoji.
佛智疑惑がどうして罪なのかと自らに問うた、罪福信によって「如来利他の大行を障える」こと以上の大罪があろうか、と知られた。 (ある老分の言)
No. 357
“A true sign of the nembutsu is the ‘light’ that illuminates us from the Pure Land. It is not something shining outwardly but a ‘light’ that gives us new life from within.” Head Priest.
お念佛の実証は、お浄土から照らして頂く「光」、それは明るいものでなく、真底から甦る「光」です。 (住職の言)
No. 358
“Even when we suffer through holding conflicting opinions from one another, this will eventually open up the opportunity for us to meet in the Pure Land.” Head Priest.
意見が合わず苦しむ時は、お浄土で出会うという解決の縁が開けます。 (住職の言)
No. 359
“How to be rather than how to live. This is my present concern. What is important is not how to live but how to be. I have suffered by looking upon my father’s death as something to surmount but it is actually something to accept. My starting point was all wrong.” Harutaka Aso, Shinto priest.
「生き方より在り方」。私が今、大事にしている事です。どう生きれば良いかではなく、自分はどう在るべきか。父の死は乗りこえるものとばかり思って苦しんでいたが、受け入れるものだったのですね。出発点が間違っていました。 (阿蘇禰宜様の言)
No. 360
“When I get used to the way of living in the Samgha, I return to the selfish world where I take everything for granted without any gratitude. On attending the service, however, I am reminded of the fact that I live on the ‘Mountain of Treasure (Pure Land)’.” Dharma friend staying at the temple.
サンガの求道生活に慣れてしまうと、またいつかの「当たり前」の世界に戻ってしまいます。しかし、勤行とお会座に遇うと、「宝の山」にいることを思い出させて頂けます。 (寺内求道の同行の言)