361 to 370

No. 361
“To give thanks for being given a place [where we can follow the Buddha-dharma] is the fundamental spirit of the Samgha.” Head Priest.

賜った場を感謝させて頂くことが「建立の根本精神」です。    (住職の言)

No. 362
“The breaking down of our preconceptions and our awakening to truth happen simultaneously.” Head Priest.

固定観念が破られることと、真実に目覚めることとは同時ですね。    (住職の言)
No. 363
“The way of living in which we each look upon everything we receive as particularly meant for me alone and are moved to pronounce the nembutsu is an ideal example of the Samgha way of life.” Head Priest.

私一人のためと受け止め、お念佛の申せる生活が、僧伽の指標です。    (住職の言)
No. 364
“Although we look upon faith as something that is given, what is important is for us to feel surprise that such a gift has not been easily prepared.” Head Priest.

信心はもらうものだと思っていますが、すでに頂戴している事実が容易ならないことに驚き立つことでした。    (住職の言)
No. 365
“What is important is for us to become aware of the traditions of our Samgha and then to revere them.” Head Priest.

今の私共に大切なのは、僧伽の歴史を明らかにし、いかに拝んでいくかです。    (住職の言)
No. 366
“It is the spirit of dojo and taya that, when welcoming those who come to listen to the Buddha-dharma, we should do so with introspection and gratitude, based on a remembrance of our own original experience of salvation.” Head Priest.

自分が救われた事実を原点にして、内観と感謝の心で、佛法聴聞する方々をお迎えするのが「道場と多屋」の精神です。    (住職の言)
No. 367
“Although our home is a place of accumulated karma, if there is brightness in our home, it will have the power to attract others. This spirit is the foundation of dojo and taya.” Head Priest.

家庭は業の集積場ですが、家庭の中に明るさがあれば、一切の人を吸引する力を持ちます。その精神がそのまま道場・多屋になり得るのです。    (住職の言)
No. 368
“On returning home and seeing how my parents were struggling in their day to day lives, I almost cried. I felt so moved as I found myself now able to appreciate all that had been done for me. I decided I had to pay them back out of a sense of gratitude, if only little by little.” Girl student, living at Sammon Taya.

ふる里に帰って、生活と戦っている父母の苦労をみると涙が出た。ああ、私も御恩に涙が出る五体になったなあ……、これからは父母に少しずつでも御恩を返してゆかねばと思った。    (「さんもん」多屋の女子学生の御礼)
No. 369
“Until recently my understanding of all that had been done for me was purely intellectual, but travelling abroad has enabled me to appreciate my upbringing with my whole being. At a time when my family was suffering great hardship, I rebelled against my parents and uttered impolite words to the Samgha. I am now deeply sorry for my behaviour.” Recent school leaver.

今まで頭では理解していたが、外国に出てみて始めてお育ての御恩がわかった。我が家の大問題の時には、両親に反発したり僧伽の皆様に失礼なことを申したり、本当に申し訳なかった。    (高校卒業生の御礼)
No. 370
“Being brought up at the temple from the time I was in junior high school, I used to resent those around me constantly seeking to encourage me with the words ‘Do your best.’ But it is very much thanks to their unceasing care that I came to be offered a place at university. (eldest son)” “As I grew up I retained the mind of a child and consequently continued to struggle as a father. Now, however, I find myself maturing mentally thanks to my children. (father)” Father and son living at the temple.

長男「中学生の時からお寺の中という環境で、何かにつけて『ガンバレ』と云われることがいやだった。しかしお育てのお蔭で大学に入らせて頂きました」。父 親「子供のままに大人に成長した私、親として苦しみ続けであったが、今は子供によって成長させて頂いています」。   (寺内の親子の御礼)