391 to 400

No. 391
“An old priest said to me ‘Firstly just say thank you, understanding comes later’. I found this to be a very good piece of advice.” From a letter of thanks by an English man regarding the Introspection Session he had undergone for the first time.

「先ず有難うと申しなさい。そしたら心がついてきますよ」と、老僧分からお聞きしました。その通りでした。    (英国人初聴聞者の御礼メール)
No. 392
“When, thanks to her parents’ encouragement, a girl student underwent the Introspection Session, I became one of her advisers. Although mentally I already knew Shogyoji to be my spiritual home, this experience made me realise with my whole being that the temple meant everything to me. Though my entire existence was burdened by deepest karma, I found myself nevertheless accepted by my parents as their daughter. Thank you so much.” Girl Student.

大学の入学前に、親の勧めで聴聞を志した女の子に、お話をさせて頂きました。今まで正行寺が「心の故郷」とは観念的に分かっていましたが、お寺が私の全て であることが身体で分かりました。思えば、こんなに業の深い私を、娘として父母が引き受けてくれていました。ありがとうございます。    (新大学生になる女子学生)
No. 393
“Returning to London, I imagined my Introspection Session to be at an end, but it wasn’t. I have found that introspection is something I should pursue throughout my daily life.” From a letter of thanks by an Englishman regarding the Introspection Session he had undergone for the first time.

聴聞が終わったと思っていたら、そうでなかった。これからの日常生活の中でずっと続けてゆく事であることが分かった。    (英国人初聴聞者の御礼メール)
No. 394
“My mother told me that my grandmother always said the best way to thank your parents for what they have done for you is to love your children in the same way as your parents loved you.” From a letter of thanks by an Englishman about the Introspection Session he had undergone for the first time.

母は祖母から、かつて聞いた言葉を私に伝えてくれた。「あなたは、かつて私からして貰ったように、貴方の息子にしてあげなさい」。    (英国人初聴聞者の御礼メール)
No. 395
“Do not search. There is no Buddha in a form you could ever conceive. Quite simply anyone who casts light about me is my Buddha.” His Eminence Jung-woo, Head Priest of Guryong Temple.

「探すな、そなたが思うような佛様はどこにもおられないのだ。私を明るくしてくれるお方が、私の佛様であるだけである」。    (韓国・九龍寺月刊誌『佛陀』より、九龍寺住持・頂宇猊下「まえがき」より)
No. 396
“Listening to me, one of the advisers said, ‘You have met with such suffering it becomes difficult for you to breathe, but you have caused even greater suffering to your parents’. Then for the first time I was able to say ‘I am sorry’ and ‘thank you’, feeling repentance for all my actions.” Englishman during his Introspection Session.

「貴方は呼吸が止まる程の苦しみ、それ以上の苦しみをご両親に、周りの人にかけていたのですよ」。こう云われて初めて「ごめんなさい、有難うございました」と頭が下がりました。    (英国人初聴聞者の御礼メール)
No. 397
“I have been destroying my parents’ lives; there is nowhere else I can live but Shogyoji Temple, the place that gave me back my life. How warm those words sounded, ‘you are welcome to return here whenever you wish’! It is the temple that is the source of my life.” A young follower who has recently recovered from his fatal illness.

「親殺しの私には、命を拾って頂いたここ正行寺しか居る所はありません。その私にいつでも帰っておいでと云って頂いた温かさ……。ここは私の人生の源です」。    (命の崩壊から救われた若人の言葉)
No. 398
“Until recently I have been listening to the Dharma alone but now that I am married I no longer seek after the Dharma just on my own. Although it is not always easy for us to live together listening to the Dharma, I have now begun to walk towards the Buddha even more earnestly.” Newly married husband.

今まで一人で聞いて来ましたが、結婚したらもう一人で聞くことではなくなりました。夫婦二人で聞いてゆくのは結構難しいですが、お蔭さまで佛様の方を向いて、より真剣に歩かせて頂いています。    (新婚同行・夫の言)
No. 399
“One of my Dharma friends said, ‘Even if you leave the temple for Osaka, I will not miss you.’ He is one of the people I made friends with here at the temple, and there is a strong bond of good karma between us. How happy I am that wherever I go I will still find myself in the Samgha! I won’t miss him either.” Young man leaving the temple to train in the outside world.

ある法友が云いました。「君がお寺から大阪へ行っても僕は淋しくない」。彼とお同行となって宿善ある友達でした。何処へ行っても僧伽の中の私は幸せ、私も淋しくありません。    (本寺から世間の修行に出る若人の言)
No. 400
“The Head Priest said to me, ‘It is parents who know so little about their children.’ Now I realize that I am ‘the impoverished son of a rich man’. ” Father whose son has been educated at the temple for the last year.

「子供のことを一番知らないのが親ですね」とご住職。私こそ長者窮子でありました。    (子供を一年間、寺内でお育て頂いた父親の御礼)