41 to 50

No. 41
From impressions voiced by students who took part in the Spring Training Session: “The Buddha-dharma should not be simply an object of intellectual understanding. It is important for us to feel it in our hearts.

頭で理解するものではない。「そうであった」と心で感じることが大切。    (春安居に参加した学生の御礼より)
No. 42
From impressions voiced by students who took part in the Spring Training Session: “Confessing my weakness has given me peaceful stability of mind.”

弱さを打ち出していくことが心の安定につながっていった。    (春安居に参加した学生の御礼より)
No. 43
From impressions voiced by students who took part in the Spring Training Session: “I had fallen into a state of self-abhorrence through excessive self-introspection. However, on hearing the words, “Love yourself,” I felt all my anxiety evaporated.

自己反省を通り越して、自己嫌悪に陥っていた。「自己を愛しなさい」との言葉に安心した。    (春安居に参加した学生の御礼より)
No. 44
From impressions voiced by students who took part in the Spring Training Session: “I was confused about the difference between what it was to be frank and what it was to be selfish.”

私は素直さとわがままをはき違えていた。    (春安居に参加した学生の御礼より)
No. 45
A young priest said, “The lamentable situation in the world today was created by trying to force one’s opponent to admit their errors. I now understand that what is important is that I should admit my own errors.”

相手に間違いを認めさせようとした結果、今のような世界情勢になっている。自分の間違いを認めることだけだった。    (ある若僧分の言)
No. 46
The Head Priest said at a meeting, “In order to turn your illusions into boundless energy, just listen to the Dharma and do not attempt to conceal the truth about yourself.”

私どもの迷いを転じて、無限な力にしていくのは、「聞く」と云うことと、「自分を隠さない」ということの一点にある。    (ある会座での住職の言)
No. 47
The Head Priest said at a meeting, “Rejoice or grieve with all your heart! If you can do so, it is the result of your attainment of birth [in the Pure Land] in daily life.”

「心から喜べる、心から悲しめる」。これが出来れば平生業成。 (ある会座での住職の言)
No. 48
The mother of a young man attending an introspection session said, “Twenty–nine years of my son’s life have also been twenty–nine years of looking into myself in the light of the Buddha.”

息子の29年間は、我が身を照らす29年間でした。    (ある聴聞者の母上の言)
No. 49
Guest speaker at the Spring Training Session, Professor Shin Hyeon Ha, declared, “True spiritual exchange begins from knowing oneself, knowing others and taking responsibility for all one does.”

真の交流は先ず、「自分を知り、他人を知って、自分の行いの一切に責任を持つ」ことである。    (春安居の講師・申鉉夏先生の言)
No. 50
A follower of the temple said, “On our pilgrimage to India I felt as if my stubborn mind had been melted away.”

インド巡拝の旅は、頑なな自分の心を溶かしていくようなものだった。    (ある同行の言)