471 to 480

No. 471
“In advance of asking for something new, we should give thanks for what we have already been given.” Senior priest.

何かを要求する前に、すでに頂いている事実に、先ず御礼を申し上げねばなりません。 (老僧分の言)
No. 472
“It is not through your tradition but through your thoughts and actions that I have encountered the Shogyoji Samgha.” Professor John White

私が正行寺との出会いを感じるのは、伝統を通じてではなく、僧伽の皆さんの考え方、行動を通じてです。    (元ロンドン大学副総長・ホワイト教授の言)
No. 473
“You cannot get along in this world by virtue of the Dharma (truth) alone. It is only through a real live person that the Dharma can be taught. If you cannot trust that person [who teaches the Dharma], it will be impossible for the Dharma to be conveyed [to you]. Should you deny this simple fact, you will be unable to attain faith.” Dhama-Mother Ekai.

世は真理だけで通るものではない。法は人を通じてしか伝わらない。その人が信ぜられねば法は伝わるものでない。この明瞭な事実を否定して信仰はない。    (恵契法母の言)
No. 474
“If you live in a taya house but have no problems, it is perhaps because you are managing to smooth things over for the moment. If you do have problems, however, this is your chance to question yourself about your behaviour towards the Buddha, to start seeking a solution to those problems and eventually to attain absolute inner peace.” Young priest at the temple.

多屋では問題がない時がかえって「取り繕っている時」。問題があると、自分が佛に対してどうだったかを問い直し、解決へと働きだし、遂に絶対の安心感を頂くことができる。    (寺内若僧分の言)
No. 475
“From the ground where I am standing a spectacular view opens up before me. My gratitude embues it with even greater width and depths.” Head Priest.

我が立つ大地より、景観がひらけてくる。景観は謝念によって、その広がりと深みを増す。 (住職の言)

No. 476
“Gratitude and repentance. In this world we repent in order to forestall a scolding and give thanks in order to maintain good relations. When we live in a taya house, however, gratitude and repentance are brought about through our unconditional surrender to the Buddha in return for all that has been done for us.” Young priest.

感謝と懺悔。世間では怒られるから謝る、取り繕うために感謝する。しかし多屋では無条件に御恩に頭が下がる事が感謝と懺悔である。  (寺内若僧分の言)
No. 477
“In a taya house there is no need for worldly rules and regulations. People’s actions are harmonized through loving kindness.” Young priest.

ルール。世間では法律。多屋では思いやりの心で和せられるから、規制されたルールは不要である。  (寺内若僧分の言)
No. 478
“Taking a step forward. In the secular world this simply means deciding on the direction one is going to take while accepting surrounding phenomena. In a taya house, however, this expression also includes a sense of dynamism, because it is only through our encounter with others who can attest to what we have accepted that we are moved to take that step forward.” Young priest.

歩み。世間では現象を受け止め、方向を出すこと。多屋では受け取ったところを周りの人から証明されて、初めて歩みとなるダイナミックさがある。    (寺内若僧分の言)
No. 479
“In the world at large the word ‘home’ signifies a castle, protecting us from what lies without. With a taya house our home is an open place where we can breathe fresh air from our surroundings and have no need to defend ourselves.” Young priest.

家庭。世間では外から守る城。多屋では周りから新たな空気を吸収し、守る必要のない自由な家庭。    (寺内若僧分の言)
No. 480
“Despair, loneliness and anxiety can afflict every one of us. Accordingly we tend to think we should enjoy our time in this world because our lives will not be given us back again. Living in a taya house, however, we learn to accept such negative emotions as an inevitable part of existence and so come to a deeper understanding of our lives.” Young priest.

絶望・孤独・不安。世間ではどうせ一度の人生だから楽しもうと思う。多屋ではそれらを避けられないものとして受け止め、自分を深めさせて頂くことができる。  (寺内若僧分の言)