No. 541
“The other shore is open to us each and every moment we are allowed to live our lives in this world.” Senior Dharma friend.
彼の土は、この世を生かさせて頂いている刻一刻の中に開かれている。 (ある御先達の言)
No. 542
“Our consciousness that we have committed such and such wrong-doings can certainly be called an awareness of our own ‘evil’, but it still remains only as a self-reflection or regret at best. I understand the very fact that we are filled with blind passions is the fundamental source of evil [in the light of the Buddha].” Senior Dharma friend.
我々の意識に覚えがあって「これこれの悪いことをしてきていた」というのが、せいぜい私共の反省程度の「悪」の自覚。実は煩悩具足している、そのこと自体が根元「悪」であった。 (あるご先達の言)
No. 543
“Self-control and self-care – controlling our blind passions and keeping our body and mind constantly healthy – are also part of Buddhist training.” Senior Dharma friend.
「自調自度」、煩悩を制御し、自らの心身を、常に健康にととのえていくことも、佛道修行の一つである。 (あるご先達の言)
No. 544
“I have learned from Daigyoin-sama that the act of pitying others and trying to help them is not ours but the Buddha’s and that the sort of person who visits a sick friend out of sympathy and says to that friend, ‘Even though you are suffering a great deal, please make an effort to recover’ does not know their own limits and is behaving as if they were already a Buddha. I myself am not good enough to help others. All I can do is simply appreciate what has been done for me. Only my joy, free of all designing, will help others develop themselves.” Senior Dharma friend.
「人を哀れむ、助ける」というのは、佛様の行為であって、我々のすることではない。高いところから人を見下し、「苦しかろう……、頑張って……」とかいう 同情やお見舞いは、如来様気どった、我身知らずの横着者のすることであると大行院様。自分などに人を助ける資格などない。ただ賜ったご恩を喜ぶだけ。その 私のはからいのない喜びのみが、人様の心を開発していくであろう。 (あるご先達の言)
No. 545
“On the television screen there appeared the words, ‘Given their own space and time, anyone can survive anywhere.’ When I was seriously ill and without any hope of a tomorrow, the place where I could meet my Dharma friends was the only real space for me and my service to the Buddha was the only real time.” Head Priest.
「人は自分の居り場所と時間があったら、どこでも生きてゆける」とTVのテロップに……。体調悪く、明日が見えない時、私には同行に会う空間が自分の場であり、勤行の一刻(ひととき)が自分の時間そのものであった。 (住職のことば)
No. 546
“How wonderful it is that you have found a world in which your father on the other shore and your father on this shore have become one. We need no learning other than this. ‘What is essential is’, Daigyoin-sama says, ‘to destroy our selfishness at its roots’.” Head Priest to a young girl student who lost her father.
この世の父とあの世の父とが一つになる世界の有りがたさ、これ以外に学問はない。要は「根本我情を滅ぼすの一点」であると大行院様。 (若くして父親を失ったある女子学生に。住職のことば)
No. 547
“If in a Shin Buddhist temple the nembutsu is seldom heard, that is the most serious disease that can afflict that temple. It is evidence that true faith has not pervaded the temple family, its traditional followers or Dharma friends. You must pronounce the nembutsu!” From The One Sheet Teaching by Daigyoin Reion Takehara.
真宗の寺として、念佛の声の少きが、何よりの病なり。それは真実信心が、寺族、門信徒に通ぜぬ証拠なり。念佛申すべきこと也。…… (大行院『一枚法語』)
No. 548
“The garden at Three Wheels, where every rock has its own place and all the rocks are harmoniously interrelated, is for me a symbol of our Samgha.” Dharma friend who visited Three Wheels for the Otorikoshi Ceremony.
石がそれぞれに所を得て調和している三輪精舎の庭は、我々の僧伽を象徴しているものと感じた。 (ロンドン御取越へ参詣された信徒の言)
No. 549
“What is meant by ‘listening to the Buddha-dharma’ is a growing determination that one’s life’s work is to confirm the given faith over and over again.” From The One Sheet Teaching by Daigyoin Reion Takehara.
「聞く」とは、頂いた信心を幾度も幾度も確かめることが一生の仕事と決定することである。 (大行院『一枚法語』)
No. 550
“The utmost ignorance is doubt. Where then does doubt reside? It is to be found between my good teacher (Other-Power) and me (self-power). Because of this same ignorance I cannot enjoy true encounter with those around me, for I am unable to attain the state of ‘entrusting the self [to Amida Buddha] and helping others do so too’. This state of mind is called the World of Indolence.” Senior priest at the temple.
愚かさの絶頂は疑惑である。それはどこに存在するか。それは善知識(他力)と私(自力)の間に横たわっている。この愚かさ故に目の前の人との出会いが無く、自信教人信の用らきに出ることができない。この世界を懈慢界という。 (寺内老僧分の言)