601 to 610

No. 601
“Whenever we turn to face ourselves directly, the nembutsu wells up from within.” Young female Dharma friend.

自分と真向きになっていれば、必ずお念佛は出て下さる。    (若婦人同行の言)
No. 602
“Even if you go to the greatest efforts and earn yourself universal praise, unless you attain the inner peace of faith (anjin), you will find no fulfilment in your work.” Head Priest.

人から称賛されるくらい努力しても、私の安心がなければ「成就」はありません。 (住職の言)
No. 603
“A child’s growth is very encouraging for its parents as it is actually a grateful response to all they have done for that child.” Young priest.

子の成長は、親を元気づける恩返しです。    (若僧分の言)
No. 604
“It is upon this great earth of accumulated good karma that we feel and realize the Pure Land.” Head Priest.

宿善の大地において、浄土は感得されます。    (住職の言)
No. 605
“If all I do is criticise others I will be unable to see myself as I really am.” Student participating in the Winter Training Assembly.

他人を批判することによって、自分を見直すことができなくなります。 (錬成会での学生の言)
No. 606
“Parents always wish for their children to grow into mature adults. It is not by some particular act but through our own spiritual growth that we can really respond to what our parents have done for us.” Young priest at the Winter Training Assembly.

親は子の成長をいつでも願っています。何かをして返すのではなく、自分の成長が恩返しになります。    (錬成会での若僧分の言)
No. 607
“There is a clear distinction to be drawn between reprimanding children and losing one’s temper with them. The former means to admonish children with love and the desire to improve. Anger is merely an emotion based on your own selfish needs.” Elder priest at the Winter Training Assembly.

子どもに対して、「叱る」と「怒る」とでは全く違います。「叱る」とは、愛情と願いをもってしつけること。「怒る」とは、感情が中心となり、自分の要求心でしかないのですよ。    (錬成会・幼児班での老僧分の言)
No. 608
“Buddhism goes beyond the category of ‘dogma’.” Head Priest.

佛教は、教えという範疇を超えます。    (住職の言)
No. 609
“We are but ‘ordinary beings weighed down by our own blind passions’ who, despite the fact that the Buddha’s Original Prayer already assures our salvation,  still assume we have not yet been saved. What a sorry state of affairs!” Head Priest.

すでに佛様の本願に救われていながら、救われていないと思っている「煩悩具足凡夫」です。最も申し訳ないことです。    (住職の言)
No. 610
“Thinking and nothing more is tantamount to stagnating. The essence of Buddhism lies in ‘constantly becoming’ which in turn means needing ‘to make diligent efforts.’ If we practise this sincerely we will feel nothing but gratitude in our hearts.” Head Priest.

思っているだけでは停まっていることです。佛教は「なっていっている」ことであり「努め励むこと」であります。そこにはただ「感謝」しかありません。    (住職の言)