No. 641
“When you encounter the nembutsu with your whole being, you are filled with gratitude becoming aware of everything in your past as a gift from the Buddha.” Head Priest.
お念佛に会えば、過去が全て、ご恩に変わる。 (住職)
No. 642
“Hearing the meaning of the Name on a regular basis from a good teacher we have happened to meet is the only way for us to seek the truth of the Buddha-dharma.” Head Priest of Kofukuji Temple.
善知識に遇って、名号のいわれを聞き続けていく以外に、我々の聞法姿勢はない。 (光福寺様)
No. 643
“Towards the end of the Second World War, Venerable Reion Takehara, thirteenth Head Priest of Shogyoji Temple, ordered his disciples to collect and preserve a set of Gagaku music instruments, with the words ‘It is the sound of the Gagaku music way beyond the realm of language that will never be destroyed even if our state is destroyed.’” Head Priest.
当寺先々代・大行院様は、戦時下に雅楽器を収集して、たとえ国が滅びても滅びないもの、それは「言葉を超えた響き」だとおっしゃった。 (住職)
No. 644
“When I become aware of my suffering as being entirely my own problem and not the responsibility of others, then that suffering becomes meaningful for my life.” Young priest.
苦しみの原因が、ひとのせいではなく、「私一人の問題」となったとき、その苦しみは「苦しみがいのある苦しみ」となります。 (若僧分)
No. 645
“People appear to assume freedom may be a goal to be gained without effort. Not so. It can only be attained through the most serious endeavour for true liberation.” Head Priest
「自由」はそのまま目的と思いこんでいるようですが、自由には、切実な手段を通らねばなりません。 (住職)
No. 646
“The true meaning of ‘freedom’ is ‘awakening to life’. More simply put, it is an acquisition of something beyond what money can buy.” Head Priest.
「自由」とは、「いのち」を見出すことです。卑近にいえば、金銭以上のものです。 (住職)
No. 647
“‘Virtue’ is not simply something temporal obtained by an individual’s personal effort, but something universal created for all beings of the three times ‘past, present and future’.” Head Priest
「徳」は、一時に生まれるような成果ではなく、全人が対象となっている時です。 (住職)
No. 648
“Before I stayed in a Taya house at Shogyoji temple during Hoonko I had already put my faith in the Pure Land Way but had little understanding of how to live my daily life under Amida`s light. However all my Dharma friends living in the Taya house welcomed me, gave me help and supported me. It was only through the collective nembutsu of the whole Samgha that I was enabled to glimpse the realm of other-power; the Pure Land.” A young English Dharma friend.
完璧になろう、何か習い覚えようと思っていましたが、そうではありませんでした。多屋に身を置くことで、お同行が一人一人私にお声を掛けて下さる。ただそれだけが、助けになっていくのですね。 (英国より来寺の青年、正行寺の多屋に滞在して)
No. 649
“Basically the human body is designed to be buoyant. It is when we struggle to remain afloat that the waters close over our heads.” From a message sent to the Winter Training Assembly at Shogyoji Temple by his Eminence Koken Otani, the 26th Supreme Primate of Higashi Honganji Temple.
人の体は元々浮くように出来ています。もがいてしまうから、溺れていくのです。 (拝聴した大谷光見御法主台下のおことばより)
No. 650
“The proper establishment of a country is dependant on the proper establishment of the family and only if countries are properly established can the whole world flourish.” Venerable Reion Takehara, the thirteenth Head Priest of Shogyoji Temple.
我家建ちて、国起る。国が起これば、世界が起る。 (正行寺 大行院様)