No. 651
“Unless we know ourselves, we can never be at peace.” Head Priest.
自分自身を知るということ以外に、平和というものはありません。 (住職)
No. 652
“It is our shukuzen or “past good” that makes us feel as if our faith were not so much ours as a gift from the Buddha.” Head Priest.
信心は、わがものではないと、思わせしめるものこそ、「宿善」です。 (住職)
No. 653
“The Taya house here at Shogyoji Temple has also become something of a centre of culture nowadays, hasn’t it?” His Eminence Koken Otani, the 26th Supreme Primate of Higashi Honganji Temple.
多屋は、一つの文化なのですね。 (東本願寺 大谷光見御法主台下)
No. 654
“Our past good lights up our faith, as at the same time faith lights up our past good.” Head priest.
宿善と信心は、互いに照らし合うのです。 (住職)
No. 655
“If you demand freedom as a result of self-love, loneliness will be your reward.” Young priest.
我愛から求めた自由は、自分を寂しくします。 (青年僧)
No. 656
“I have heard that a lot of information, derived from my parents, ancestors and even amoebas, is to be found in my body. From time to time confronting something inexplicable I am moved to tears. When I realise that the information in my body is not my own but inherited from my ancestors, I can easily understand the reason why I sometimes can’t stop crying.” A letter written by a young female Dharma friend who attended Wasanko meeting.
私の中には、父母、その祖先、そのもっともっと先をいえば、アメーバさえのデータが入っているとお聞きしました。説明のつかない事に、涙が出る瞬間があり ますが、それは、私ではなく、私の中の祖先のデータのおかげなんだ!と思う時、この話がすーっと理解できました。 (「和讃講」のお礼状から)
No. 657
“When we face any kind of problem, whether we will get over it or not, depends on our own decision.” Rev. Junko Ebikai.
どんな問題であれ、それに応じていけるかどうかは、私次第ですね。 (海老海純廣師)
No. 658
“If we have conversations with others without ever taking up the problems of life, old age, sickness and death in accordance with the Buddha’s teaching, we can’t find any common ground with them. Words which arise from our gratitude that we can solve these problems in the light of this teaching can resolve conflict between us.” Senior Dharma friend.
「生老病死」の課題がない話は共通の「場」が開けない。感謝の心から出た言葉は、争いを収めていく。 (あるご先達の言)
No. 659
“I had always assumed the Taya house to be a place where I might be released from blind passions. Now I see the Taya house in Buddha’s light as a place where my eyes have been opened to those blind passions.” Young male Dharma friend.
「多屋」は、煩悩から解放される所と考えていました。でも、煩悩が際だって見えてくる場でした。 (青年のお同行)
No. 660
“The most important thing when deeply distressed is to confide in Dharma friends. Dealing with our problems in this way allows us to look to the future and move on.” Young lady living at the Sammon Taya.
自分の気持ちがモヤモヤしている時、その気持ちを聞いてもらおうと、自分を打ち出していくことから先は開けてくると思います。 (さんもん多屋の住人)