No. 661
“If you wish to see your face you cannot do so by yourself, only through the offices of another who will act as your mirror.” Head Priest.
自分で自分の顔は見えません。自分の顔を知ろうとすれば、他人と言う鏡によって教えてもらうしかありません。 (住職)
No. 662
“In order to learn the Buddha-dharma we should continually try and ask questions with the confidence that even in emptiness one can find the infinite.” Head Priest.
「空白の中に無限のものがある」とたえず問うていくのが仏教の聞き方です。 (住職)
No. 663
“If you assume that merely by listening to the Buddha-dharma you will be completely enveloped in the light of the Buddha, that is just an illusion. You are actually deluding yourself. It is the true Buddha-dharma itself that completely turns your darkness into light.” Senior Dharma friend.
佛法を聞いてさえいれば、全て光に包まれるというのは幻想です。その影を光たらしめるものが、真実の佛法です。 (ある御先達の言)
No. 664
“Could it not be that this modest attitude of yours towards other people is actually making you avoid true confrontation?” Suggestion made by a young priest at a dharma meeting held at the Sokokan Taya House.
遠慮しているつもりが、実は避けているのではないか? (蘇光館会座にて)
No. 665
“Although our human relationships cause suffering, it is also through human relationships that we are freed from suffering.” Spoken at a Dharma meeting in Fukuoka.
苦しいのも人と人との関係ですが、助かるのも人と人との関係です。 (福岡会座にて)
No. 666
“Gagaku music represents dedication to the Buddha. The essence of Gagaku music lies not in the playing but in the listening, in the profound enjoyment of being allowed to listen to music from the other shore. Hence the strong resonance amongst the listeners.” Head Priest
雅楽は『奉納楽』。「演奏する音楽」ではなく、「聞く音楽」、「聞かせて頂く音楽」ということです。だからこそ、聞いた人に共鳴が起こります。 (住職)
No. 667
“I attended a Dharma meeting on Mt. Hiko-san at a special taya-house, part of which is said to date back to before the formal transmission of Buddhism to Japan from Korea. A talk given at the meeting made me realise how humble I should feel to be learning about the very source of life that gives birth to everything.” Young Dharma friend.
佛教公伝以前の古い歴史を持つ英彦山にお参りして、「生み出す根源とは何か」を知る謙虚さを教えて頂きました。 (英彦山会座にて)
No. 668
“A lot of people attending the funeral of my father-in-law bowed to me with great politeness, despite the fact that I myself have never been one to express any gratitude by bowing to others.” From a letter of thanks from a young male Dharma friend.
No. 669
“The essence of donation lies not so much in offering as in sharing.” Korean Buddhist monk.
布施とは、与えるということより、所詮分かち合うことにある。 (韓国の高僧)
No. 670
“When my daughter was given a room at one of the taya houses of Shogyoji Temple, what I felt at the bottom of my heart was that I was letting her return to the Buddha.” Female Dharma friend.
娘が多屋に入れて頂くことになったとき、私は「娘を仏様のもとにお返ししよう」と思いました。 (婦人お同行)