671 to 680

No. 671
“It is not that one bows to the Buddha having come to understand his teaching but that one comes to understand his teaching through actually bowing to the Buddha.” Senior priest.

分かったから頭を下げるのではなく、頭を下げるから分からせて頂くのだよ。  (老僧分)
No. 672
“If we listen to the Buddha Dharma with earnest attention, the Buddha will always be with us. If we fail to concentrate properly when listening, we will never see the Buddha.” Senior Dharma friend.

願いを持って聞けば仏様はいつもそばにいてくださるのに、心がないから見えないのである。    (熟年同行)
No. 673
“Having returned to Shogyoji Temple after a long absence, I am now really enjoying the vibrant and stimulating atmosphere of the Samgha, speaking and listening to Dharma friends.” Young female Dharma friend.

聞かせてもらい、聞いてもらう、サンガの生気を肌身に感じています。 (若き婦人同行)
No. 674
“It is very important that you take responsibility for everything going on around you and see all the problems as being your own, and at the same time that you give thanks to the Buddha for all he has done for you personally.” His Eminence Koken Otani, the 26th Supreme Primate of Higashi Honganji Temple.

「何でも身のまわりに起こった事は自分の問題として考えて、最終的には佛様に感謝することが大切です。」    (大谷光見御法主御法話)
No. 675
“Now that the Buddhist Scriptures are digitalized, we can easily search Shakyamuni’s teachings transmitted by his great disciples, and therefore we should respect the words that they protected as the very source of their lives .” Prof. Masahiro Shimoda.

佛典がデータ化され、簡単に検索できるようになっても、「伝承された釈尊のお言葉は、お弟子方の命そのもの。そこを聞かせて頂く」という姿勢を失わないことが重要です。    (下田正弘教授)
No. 676
“Just because I feel at ease with something does not guarantee its true worth. It can be that something  I am less comfortable with is of far greater value. That which is truly good has a deeper meaning that relates to the very source of life beyond the dichotomy of good and bad.” Head Priest

この身に快いというだけでは、本当の善い事ではありません。嫌な事でも、快い事より意味がある場合もあります。善い事とは、自分の命を表すような深い意味を持つ事です。    (住職)
No. 677
“After our discussion I found I had a much clearer idea of today’s subject than when I had just been thinking about it on my own.” Verdict of a primary school pupil enrolled on the Structural Group Encounter course at the 52nd Summer Training Assembly.

自分の考えと違っても、みんなで考えた方が必要なものがわかってきました。    (第52回青少年夏季錬成会に参加した小学生、「構成的グループエンカウンター」に取り組んで)
No. 678
“My master was over 90 years old when she moved for health reasons to a Taya house situated on the opposite bank of the river to my own home. Night after night I would look up at her window and feel myself illumined by its light. When the room was in darkness, I was pleased because that meant my master was sleeping calmly. When the room was lit up, I felt worried because of her health. Ekaini sama remained there for three years. The light from her room was truly the light of the Great Compassion and to this day it still illuminates me.” Mr. Teruo Uenosono.

九十歳をこえられたお師匠さまが、私の家の川向うの御部屋に、養生に移ってこられました。毎晩、私はお部屋からこぼれる光を、仰ぎ見ておりました。お身体 を案じ、窓明かりの明暗に一喜一憂する三年余りでしたが、今思えば、その光は私を照らし続けて頂く大悲の光でした。    (上之薗輝雄さま)
No. 679
“At Shogyoji Temple, the very source of Samgha life is to be found in Gongyo (the daily service of chanting sutras), Eza (Dharma-meetings), and Chomon (Introspection through hearing at a truly deep level), in that all three are fruitful manifestations of the Wisdom in our day to day lives.” Rev. Eshu Seno’o.

勤行と会座と聴聞が、正行寺僧伽の慧命であり、生命線である。    (妹尾恵修師)
No. 680
” Be it physical pain or mental illusion, absolutely everything in life is a gift from the Buddha,” Dharma friend in Kyoto.

迷う心も痛む体も、全て賜りものである。    (関西のお同行)