No. 711
I was able to enter the Buddha Hall after several years and felt how moving the service to the Buddha was.
(Female Dharma friend who participated in one of the Training Assemblies together with her three little children.)
No. 712
Taking part in one of the bi-annual Training Assemblies at Shogyoji Temple after a long thirty year interval, I found myself hailed by Bomori-sama, the wife of the Head Priest of Shogyoji, gracefully sharing the joy of re-encounter by saying how nice it was to see me again and what a long time it had been! At that moment it came to me not only that in those thirty years the Buddha had not forgotten me but that I myself for those thirty years had indeed forgotten the Buddha. (A Dharma friend).
三十年ぶりに正行寺の錬成会に参加しました。 坊守様は、私の名を呼び、「久しぶりね。懐かしいなぁ」と喜んでくれました。三十年間私を忘れてなかった仏様と、三十年仏様を忘れていた自分を知りました。(あるお同行の言葉)
No. 713
“Why did you move into Shogyoji Temple?”
“Because I thought it would enable me to be born in the Pure Land”
(Female Dharma friend)
No. 714
Whenever we bare our problems to others in the Samga, we are immediately met with a harmonious swell of mutual sympathy. The whole atmosphere fills with light. (Head Priest of a temple in Niigata Prefecture.)
僧伽では、問いが公にされるとすぐに、共感の和が広がります。そこに明るい光を感じさせて頂きます。 (ある新潟のご住職の言葉)
No. 715
During the service the leading voice of the Head Priest penetrated and purified the innermost recesses of my mind like a Mani jewel [ believed to purify all karmic impurities it touches]. (A Dharma friend)
ご院家さまの御調声が、摩尼宝珠となって私の心底にしみ込んで下さいました。 (あるお同行の言葉)
No. 716
Faith, in fact, is simply keeping alive an awareness of one’s own insincerity. (Head Priest of Shogyoji)
No. 717
The vows of ordinary people will not succeed of their own accord. Yet the moment they are received by the Buddha, those same vows, however trivial, will be immediately fulfilled through the transference by Amida Buddha of his own Vow.(Head priest)
No. 718
In the days of Shinran Shonin and Rennyo Shonin, just meeting a good teacher capable of leading one to attain birth in the Pure Land was the fulfillment of every follower’s aspirations. (Head priest)
No. 719
‘Rebirth [in the Pure Land]’ is proof of a life lived with sincerity. (Supreme Primate)
No. 720
Although even in Taya houses problems will arise, because each and every one of us is fully opened to all the others in the Samgha [in the light of the Buddha-Dharama], such problems will surely find a resolution. (Spoken by a priest at the Otorikoshi meeting of a Taya. )