No. 731
The real problem underlying our daily lives is how to free ourselves of our foolish self-attachment. (A priest)
私たちの現実生活の背後にある本当の問題は、愚かな自己執着からの開放です。 (ある僧分の言)
No. 732
Harmony in the truest sense is the awareness of unity between different individuals. Once each person becomes fully aware of their own interdependent relationships with others, they can develop their own individuality to its fullest extent and discover for themselves the truth that the very foundation of individuality lies in precisely this self-awareness. (A priest.)
真実のハーモニーは、異なる者が一つになっているところに生まれます。一人ひとりがお互いの相互依存性に気づき、全ての人々が自らの個性を十全に発揮することです。 (ある僧分の言)
No. 733
In Buddhism it is not enough to think of, or even to experience, the Dharma. It is through continuous listening to the Buddha Dharma that we are led to find ourselves bathed in Amida’s unconditional love. (Gorenshi, the brother of the Supreme Primate)
No. 734
Far more important than simply searching for an answer to one’s question is to consider the context from which that question has sprung. (A Dharma friend)
No. 735
Far more important than simply searching for an answer to one’s question is to consider the context from which that question has sprung. (A Dharma friend)
No. 736
When I became aware of the fact that my life was a gift passed down to me by successive generations of my ancestors, I deeply regretted the self-centered way I had been living, just doing as I pleased. (Words of gratitude spoken by a Dharma friend at a Wasan Meeting)
Complaining tarnishes our minds. (A priest)
When I became aware of the fact that my life was a gift passed down to me by successive generations of my ancestors, I deeply regretted the self-centered way I had been living, just doing as I pleased. (Words of gratitude spoken by a Dharma friend at a Wasan Meeting)