91 to 100

No. 91
The Head Priest stated, “In proportion to the extent parents change, so do their children.”

親が変わった分、子供は必ず変わっていく。  (住職の言)

No. 92
The Head Priest said, “My avowed aim is to know myself through and through.”

どこまでも「自分自身を知る」ことを目標としたい。 (住職の言)
No. 93
The Head Priest stated, “There are infinite depths and shades of ‘listening.’ Really deep listening is the most important way of seeking after truth in Shin Buddhism.”

No. 94
The Head Priest said, “Reflection on one’s own selfish mind and acceptance of others, these are the two elements that help create a true person.”

自力信の反省。他者の受け入れ。この二つが真実の人を作っていきます。  (住職の言)
No. 95
The Head Priest said, “We are imperfect beings. When we convince ourselves that ‘we are right,’ that is the very point where we lose our motivation to listen deeply.”

私は不完全なるもの。自分が正しいと思った時には、聞く動機が失われています。 (住職の言)
No. 96
The Head Priest said, “The spirituality of the taya residents lies in the way they feel at peace when illumined by others.”

多屋の精神は、人から照らしてもらうということに安心感をもてることです。  (住職の言)
No. 97
The Head Priest stated, “If parents try and teach their own children, the children will react negatively. Quite simply what can be handed to their children are words of real feeling.”

親心も教え心があれば子どもの反発を呼ぶ。子に伝わるのは実感のある言葉だけ。    (住職の言)
No. 98
Assistant Professor S. said, “Only when there are people ready to receive, does a sutra reveal its meaning.”

受け取る人があって、お経がはじめてお経となるのです。  (東京法座でのS助教授)

No. 99
The Head Priest said, “It is not through love alone, nor through the Dharma alone, but through the awakening of faith that we receive our spiritual inheritance.”

相続は、恩愛に片寄らず、法に片寄らない。新たな発願とともにある。  (会座にて住職の言)
No. 100
A follower confessed, “It was when the past karma I had kept hidden was revealed that I pronounced the nembutsu from the bottom of my heart.”

真底からお念佛を称えさせていただいたのは、腹蔵していた宿業の事実を取り除いて頂いた時でした。  (ある信徒の言)