

Following every morning service to Amida Buddha, a meeting is held where individuals reflect upon themselves through listening deeply to the words of others. The Dharma Words section is a compilation of short passages written by Venerable Chimyo Takehara, the Head Priest of Shogyoji, which reflect such encounters.


Item Title
No.57 No meaning is its meaning No.56 The monument to commemorate Professor Alexander Williamson
No.55 Nirvana of No-Abode No.54 On Living the Path of the Buddha
No.53 On the True Purpose of the Seventeenth Vow No.52 the nembutsu of The Original Vow
No.51 The Buddha of Unimpeded Light No.50 The Danger of Pride in Meritoriousness
No.49 Wisdom and Compassion No.48 On The Buddha’s Vow
No.47 On Hell No.46 On Awareness in Shin Buddhism
No.45 On The shape of our spirituality No.44 On Self-power and Other-power
No.43 On Our shukuzen or “past good” No.42 ‘The single flame from the candle offered by a poor person’
No.41 Embraced in [the Working of] Namu-amida-butsu No.40 Spiritual virtue made manifest
No.39 On Your Encounter with Friends No.38 On Nembutsu as ‘grateful response’
No.37 On Benefiting the self and benefiting others No.36 On Entrusting and being Embraced
No.35 On Pronouncing the Name No.34 On Non-retrogression
No.33 On Worship No.32 ”[Amida’s Original Prayer] is entirely meant for me, Shinran alone”
No.31 Nembutsu No.30 The person with bad karma is the object [of the Original Vow]
No.29 Pronouncing the nembutsu No.28 A place where we can revere the Great Unconditional Love
No.27 On What has been done for me No.26 On Destroying Our Selfishness
No.25 On Receiving Other Power No.24 On Suffering of Body and Mind
No.23 On Returning to Childhood No.22 On ‘Gotoku’
No.21 On Saying Sorry No.20 On Dharma Friends
No.19 On Death in Life No.18 On Great Compassion
No.17 On Nem-butsu Practice No.16 On Prayer for Peace
No.15 On Overcoming Attachment No.14 On Here and Now
No.13 On Interdependent Origination No.12 On Caring for Others
No.11 On Parental Responsibility No.10 On Buddha’s Last Teaching
No.9 On Emptiness No.8 On the Great Path
No.7 On the Original Prayer No.6 On Interdependence
No.5 On Attaining Birth No.4 On Unconditional Love
No.3 On Listening to the Nembutsu No.2 On Greeting
No.1 On Reciting the Nembutsu